Monday, June 23, 2008

Pretty Lame...

I'm pretty lame in that I haven't posted in, oh, 3 months or so. Normal excuses apply but let's just say that with summer starting and some big spring projects ending, prepare to hear a bit more about the sustainable agriculture revolution (effin' sweet!) and all things local food in LA.

I'll also be subjecting you to all things composting, biking, what's happening in downtown LA, corporate social responsibility, green living, international trade, poverty, the produce business, the progress of my plants, gardening, painting, transporation in LA, electronica, Oaxaca, travel, Africa, public health, carbon emissions, swimming, sea otters, baby chickens, farm tours, hippies, restaurants, cooking... pretty much all the things I like to yap and yap and yap about.

Click your heels... let's go!